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Do you have any pictures, homey, professional, quirky (non kinky), of any exWTNers at work or play? Scan them in and attach them to an email to the site administrator. If you don't have a scanner yourself, find a friend who does. Or for a wee fee, some computer shops will scan for you. Prefered format is JPEG (.jpg) of less than 100 Kbytes.
If you have the pictures on disk, then click here to start your email  and attach the pictures to the mail

[Scroll down for most recently submitted pictures] 

[Pictures Archive 1] - London final party 
[Pictures Archive 2] - Olimpiu, Delacrus, Hutzler 
[Pictures Archive 3] - Pheonix TV - Rick and Masha 

[Pictures from the far past... great selection]

Pictures from Tomoo Itoh and Kyoko Mizukawa exWTN Tokyo bureau.

Tokyo WTN

Breaking the barrel of sake for celebrating for opening Tokyo Bureau on October 24, 1996. Itoh-san and Kenneth Coyte.

Tokyo WTN

Left to right, Cal Barton, Len Richardson, Kenneth Coyte, Ben Bloede, Tomoo Itoh Among these, two people who worked for the longest term at WTN. One promoted to be president , and the other now Executive Director of his own +small production house+ in the Far East.
October 24, 1996

Tokyo WTN

Itoh-san and Eric Bremner at the small messy WTN Tokyo news bureau shared with UPI sometime in the U-matic days of the mid-to-late eighties.

Tokyo WTN

A more recent picture (2001) of Itoh-san and Kyoko-san, leaders of the last WTN/Tokyo crew.

WTN MOSCOW Colour Bars

Yellow Band

Test Chart WTN Running Order

Tel Aviv get together in June 2000 included

Amos Michaeli

- Amos Michaeli - former WTN cameraman, now "digital video" maven - shoots & edits all on MiniDV / PC format

Ronnie Battat

- Ronnie Battat - former admin mgr at WTN J'lem - taxicab owner


- Former WTN Jerusalem producer Jeanette Goldman

A K Samara

- A K Samara - former producer Mid East Dept in J'lem - now correspondent for Saudi TV.


- Dorit Long - former Deputy Bureau Chief - now producer at ABC News in Israel .

Zion Eilam

- Zion Eilam - former WTN Producer - currently producer / editor at N24 (used to be Pro7)

The lost logo

A bit of nostalgia.

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[Pictures 1 Archive] 

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